
All commentary on this site represents solely my own opinion, is reliant entirely on publicly-available information, and does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any security. I may trade in any mentioned security, both in the direction of, and against, my published views, at any time, without prior notice. My investment objectives and risk tolerance could diverge widely from those of readers; as such, readers are encouraged to seek outside financial advice from their fiduciary, and to always do their own investment research. Raper Capital or myself will not be held accountable for any losses (or gains, for that matter) generated from acting upon investment ideas sourced from this blog (or from any other sources I disseminate electronically, including, but not limited to, my posts on Seeking Alpha, Twitter, etc). This blog is for entertainment and educational purposes only.

All content on Rapercapital.com remains solely the property of Shinso Research Pte. Ltd. (trading as ‘Raper Capital’), and may not be reproduced, re-transmitted, recorded, or copied in any form without the express written permission of Jeremy Raper.